Navigating Care Patient Portal

CLICK HERE TO LOG INpatient_poster2web

Use Navigating Care to:

  • Access your health information 24/7
  • Receive personalized health education
  • Prepare for upcoming doctor visits
  • View lab and test results
  • Securely communicate with your care team using Health Tracker
  • Connect with other survivors like you
  • Request medical appointments (non-urgent)

How to Register:

To ensure your privacy and the security of your medical records we’re asking our patients to enroll when you are in the clinic.

  1. Give your full name and email address to a staff member
  2. Watch your email for an invitation from your Compass clinic with the subject "Join our Patient Portal”
  3. Click on the activation link within your email invitation to access the portal.

Quick Tips for Using Navigating Care:

  • If you do not receive an email invitation, check both the Spam and Junk folders in your email inbox.
  • Keep your login and password in a secure place where you can find it for future reference, if needed.
  • Create a bookmark on your browser:

Your Healthcare Team wants to connect with you with Health Tracker:

  • Quickly report how you are feeling to your care team
  • Receive reminders to take your medicine
  • Report side effects and get prompt assistance as needed
  • Ensure your care team knows if you are experiencing any difficulties during treatment
  • Click HERE to watch the Health Tracker Video

Still Having Trouble?

For additional technical help, please call 1-800-925-4456 or email

Need Records from your Hospital? Access the Patient Portal below: